Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Best Present!

Aunt Elaine has very generously given me a number of things during visits past and present: house plant cuttings, yarn from her stash, photographs, and so on.
Today she had a very unusual present for me!
When I came down into the kitchen this morning I found a small container on the counter, with a post-it note.
To my delight when I opened it, I found:


I had mentioned to Aunt Elaine how charmed I am by banana slugs and how sad I was that I didn't get to see one while I was in Oregon or in the redwoods. She said that she frequently saw them in her yard, especially when it rained (as today). So when she saw this one in the morning, she captured him for me.

I was definitely Charmed.
They do have a very thick goo that they exude that is really, really hard to wash off.
(You can see it near his tail end in the bottom photograph.)
But before I let him go I photographed him a great deal.
You can see his breathing hole (second picture from the top) and his delicate antennae, which retracted under a thick slug-fold whenever he got nervous.
There are actually four antennae, but in these pictures you can really only see the top pair.
I think they may be eyes on stalks.

1 comment:

Birrd said...

OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!