Our group went to Gino Caccino's alimentari yesterday.
It wasn't just a cheese shop-
he also sells sausage, and bread, and other stuff-
but we had a lesson on how
Real Italian Cheese is made:
parmeggiano, peccorino
(and other stuff like real balsamic vinegar,
which can age for up to 50 years! -
and then costs a great deal for a small amount.)
Parmeggiano ages in Italy for 10 years.
And the properly aged stuff tastes amazing.
I like the peccorino best fresh, though--
the aged stuff was pretty strong for me.
Signor Gino is in the last photo.
He's very nice and told us lots of fun stories
during the demo and cheese tasting.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I love cheese, thank you to all the nice cows for making it possible! (And goats and sheep and ....)
Definitely the sheep, pecorino is sheep's milk cheese (but not Czechoslovakian)
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