Friday, August 15, 2008

Montana Moose

While hiking the battlefield tour with a ranger,
we were lucky enough to see a moose!
It was a cow moose, gallooping about in the river below.
She was having fun.
Moose like water, and swimming:

And as we watched, out came a calf!
So cute, but I wouldn't want to get close, with Mama on guard.
Moose can be mean.

In fact, there were two calves: twins!
We saw them splashing and playing in the river
(obscured from my camera by lots of foliage)
but you can just see their twitching ears in the shrubs,
if you look slightly to the left:

They really made my day. :)

1 comment:

Birrd said...

I LOVE THE BABY MOOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!