This weekend I went with the OAC on a cabin trip up Fairview Canyon, about 2 hours south of here. There's no snow left in Provo Valley but up the canyon there were still several feet of snow. We snowshoed into a rustic cabin (owned by the family of one of the club members) and stayed overnight. No water, no electric, and no heat but for the fireplace, but there was a snug roof and extra mattresses to sleep on-- girls upstairs, guys downstairs.
It's very beautiful up there!
We had marshmallows to share and folks brought their own foil dinners (that's Alyssa with the marshmallow and Brian with his dinner). The club made pancakes for everyone for breakfast. We had about 20 people there total.
Emily Jane even packed in her guitar! She sang a variety of things, from John Denver to Collective Soul. She's good!
The next day, folks went sledding on the hill behind the cabin. I mostly photographed (that's Emily Jane going over the sled jump, and Emerson watching.)
Some folks opted to just relax on the couch by the fire for awhile, feet on the hearthstone.